Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How we got here.

I did not feel like very many exciting things happened to us last year so I did not blog too much, when things finally got exciting I was too busy to keep up with it. Now that I have plenty of time, I think I will keep up with it a little better - at least I hope I do.

In a past post, I blogged,  I said that we were living with Aaron's mom so he could get ready to go to Pharmacy school, but as it turns out... we ended up in Med School. When Addison was born there was complications, (you can read about it in a past post I wrote) as Aaron watched our little girl go through so much and saw doctors save her life he knew immediately he wanted to go back to school. But let me rewind a little from there....

Aaron graduated with his bachelors of science right before we met, while we were dating he told me he wanted to go into Marriage and Family counseling. He had tried earlier that year to do nursing but decided nursing was just not what he wanted to do. So he was now considering counseling. Right before we got married Aaron had gotten a job selling insurance with Esurance and got me a job there too. He was doing well with Esurance. He figured at this point it wasn't a huge deal if he went back to school for his master because he could and was making good money at Esurance. Fast forward back to when Addison was born.

So after the complications Addison went through Aaron knew he wanted to go back to school, he considered Pharmacy school, knowing that what he really wanted to do was Med School. So that's why we started looking into Pharmacy school. Well after Aaron had already registered for the PCAT he started reading his patriarchal blessing and had a feeling that he should take the MCAT. So he prepared for both the PCAT and the MCAT. We decided we would do an early acceptance to pharmacy school at a school called Manchester University in Indiana. Aaron then took the MCAT and we waited. We got scores back for the MCAT and decided they were good enough to apply to a few places for medical school, while still keeping the Pharmacy application open. In the middle of September Aaron applied to the American University of the Caribbean. His buddy, Taylor, from the mission was currently in his last semester here, and told Aaron he should apply here. So Aaron did. He soon received an interview date, he drove the 6 hour drive up to LA were someone would interview him. He said he felt it went really well. It was a quick trip. We found out a week later he was rejected from AUC, he did have the option to retake the MCAT though and they would keep his application on file. So we decided to wait on Pharmacy school, and apply to a few DO schools around the US. While we waited, we decided that since it would be a while before we found out what we were doing as far as school goes we would move into our own place. We signed a 9 month lease thinking it would be at least 9 months before we moved any where for school.

Soon after signing our lease Aaron received an email for an interview with Manchester, he flew to Indiana in the middle of October and interviewed. A week later we got the call that he was accepted into Manchester. That very same day, just a few hours later... Aaron got a call from Jamie, the lady that interviewed him for Med School, letting him know that they had reopened his application. Aaron asked them why they reopened his application, considering it was the same application. She told him she'd let him know a week a later.

So we waited another week. Finally Jamie called us and let us know that Aaron was accepted to into AUC. Aaron asked them what changed their minds, and was informed that he was the 2nd group too take the new MCAT, and because of this they didn't have a good enough percentage of numbers to tell what was a great MCAT or not. It turned out that Aaron did better on the MCAT than they had thought. So we got in! With only two months to prepare. We quickly got our passports, let our landlord know we would be leaving early, luckily he was super good about working with us. We got rid of a lot, moved stuff into storage and family members houses and moved out of our apartment into my grandparents for the last month before we left.

When we first talked about moving to the Caribbean and going to school here I had probably the worst anxiety about it ever, I hated the idea of living on this island in the middle of the ocean, away from family, hardly ever seeing my husband. I was so relieved when he didn't get in, which may make me sound like the worst wife ever, I wanted to support him in medical school, but I was just so uneasy about it the Caribbean. And then we got accepted. I don't know what changed in the space of 6 weeks but....I suddenly was excited, nervous but excited. Aaron must have been praying or something because I was suddenly okay with it all. Its kind of funny how that happens/happened.

I'm super excited to be here, overwhelmed at times, especially because we are planning on having this baby here, but excited. Not everyone gets the chance to say they lived on a Caribbean island while they're spouse attended Med School.

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